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Necessary Six Sigma Concepts and Tools

What Is Six Sigma?


Six Sigma is a standardized approach for eradicating errors. Six Sigma uses statistical methods to promote the quality by reducing variability in business processes, from manufacturing to engineering and buying. Six Sigma achieves its goal by using two Six Sigma Methods: DMAIC and DMADV.


Six Sigma DMAIC


In SKIL the Six Sigma DMAIC way is typically used to enhance an existing process. DMAIC is a phrase that stands for:

  • Define the problem and expected outcome
  • Measure the competence of the procedures
  • Analyze the data and analyze the root principle of variations (errors)
  • Improve or customize the process so that fewer variations (errors) are made
  • Control the process. Prohibit and correct variations before they result in errors

Six Sigma DMADV


Designing new procedures in SKIL, the Six Sigma DMADV is used. It is also called as DFSS (Design for Six Sigma). The DMADV phrase stands for:

  • Define design standards that adjusts with the product or process aims
  • Measure and identify aspects of the product or process that are demanding to quality
  • Analyze the data, and analyze possible sources of errors
  • Design changes that will eradicate the source of bugs or errors
  • Verify that the design will reach the requirements

Main Key for Six Sigma Principles


Six Sigma successes are mainly based on these key principles:

  • Targets on customer requirements
  • Using comprehensive measurement and statistical analysis to explain how work gets done and to identify the root cause of issues (variations)
  • Being proactive in eradicating variation and continually enhancing the process
  • Associating people in Six Sigma cross-functional teams
  • Being thorough and being extensible 



Six Sigma is about enhancing quality. The first step in that process is explaining what “quality” means, from the aspects of the people whose assessments matter most: the customers




After analyzing root causes, make changes to the process that will eradicate variation, and thus eliminate errors from the process. Collect data, talk with people, and study the data to check variations in the process that may have become popular.



Six Sigma comprises teams and leaders who take responsibility for the Six Sigma processes. The people on the teams required to be trained in Six Sigma's methods, consist of the Six Sigma measurement methods and development tools that will be used.




Six Sigma needs flexibility in various ways. The business’s management system wants to accept positive changes as well as allow changes. Employees should be motivated to modify the changes in Six Sigma Quality Management Tools includes of a  variety of tools can be used to support Six Sigma, including Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Capability Analysis, 5 Whys, Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), and Statistical Process Control (SPC).


At SKIL, Six Sigma methodologies are pretty much clear, visual and effective communication that involves changes and requires effective on-going communication. Old habits required being broken and new habits are fixed. Graphic Products offers an array of supplies that can assist make Six Sigma successful.


Visit SKIL to know more about Six Sigma CertificationLean CertificationLean Six Sigma Green Belt, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt etc.

Importance of a Lean Management System

We transform the organizations by creating new ways of working like setting up systems to drive continuous improvement and by engaging employees to meet the customer needs more effectively.


SKIL believes that lean is much more than just a “toolkit” or a methodology for removing the waste. We completely transform the way how companies operate, by focusing in particular on creating a culture of constant improvement and also a new leadership approach. We also instill new routines and behaviors to unleash the leadership capacity. A true lean management enterprise like SKIL feels like a very unique place to work:


  • Employees here at all levels understand the organization’s vision and translate it into actions every day, with a common motive toward common goals across the entire enterprise.
  • Managers also develop people with the expectation that everybody should have the opportunity to contribute to the best of their ability.
  • Everyone here sees problems as opportunities to make the business grow stronger.
  • Employees also understand their customers very well, and seek to meet their needs as efficiently as possible.

These “management disciplines” correlate to solid skills and ways of working that people and organizations can learn which, over the time, constitute a new company culture like how people behave and think.


How do we transform companies?


We have designed a transformation that makes sense for each organisation, based on the proven methods for attaining the right balance between deep and fast. Our impact also comes from building the capabilities of our employees to understand their customers, measure their performance, and fix problems that arise. A common challenge of bigger transformation programs are making sure change sticks over the time. We have also developed unique solutions to teach the capabilities required to sustain operational excellence:


Our tools also allows managers to track the progress on the routines and activities they are asked to perform in a lean way of working to receive upward feedback and the senior manager coaching on how they are doing.


Some visits allow the senior managers to learn from peers who are much more advanced in transforming their organisations. One-day visits across the world also create an unparalleled network to instill leaders with confidence and conviction in the new way of working.


We also have assessment of operational maturity which is embedded in all of our transformations. This methodology and the digital tools that support it offers an in built approach to drive continuous improvement by offering starting point, and by narrowing in on targets for their improvement.


We also have a set of two online learning modules, which can be taken individually or by teams. This content teaches all the basics of lean management and it also gives students the insight as to how a transformation will deploy and affect them, and also trains on the tools needed to sustain the transformation.


Capability building centers across the world use experiential and also other proven learning techniques to demonstrate the best practices to develop skills and also create executive commitment.


Visit SKIL to know more about Lean Certification, Six Sigma Certification, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt etc.

How to Find a Best Lean Consultant

What is lean consulting?


Lean Consulting is defined as the activity of consulting a company by applying Lean methodologies. Lean Consulting is also a business activity where an expert uses his tools, knowledge and expertise to advise and guide the organisation or company to perform better in a defined area or to resolve a problem.


A lean consultant helps an organisation to implement Lean in it.


SKIL’s Six Sigma / Lean consultants provide Lean education, training, and consulting for Lean tools such as process mapping and value stream mapping to help you understand and uncover waste in your processes.


Our Lean consultants also help you to design standardized work, SMED, implement of 5S and other Six Sigma / Lean tools that will improve the material, information, and processes that flows within your facility.  SKIL’s Lean Solutions combines with thoroughness of Six Sigma to eliminate wasteful business processes, increase productivity and also help your manufacturing/ service organisation to improve its profitability.


Our Lean Consultants at SKIL also focus specifically on implementing the tools and principles of lean manufacturing within your business model. This is not only focusing purely on process improvement but a full culture change that will also involve every stakeholder in improving business performance. If you like to go beyond low return process improvements and reap the rewards of implementing lean manufacturing process throughout your business then the following benefits will appeal to you.


The typical areas we cover are

  • We help increase your bottom line with improvement of projects directly linked to your growth plan.
  • Understand true customer value and how to communicate value throughout your business to improve its performance.
  • Exceed your previous external feedback with internal targets that are directly linked to satisfy the customers.
  • Create a vision and strategy that will maximize the returns from your current resources.
  • Make sure all your staff are trained and coached to adopt the appropriate techniques that will impact their own area.
  • Gain buy in from all your staff members during the change process.
  • Create a culture where all the staff are driven to reduce the amount of time and effort wasted.
  • Create more space with more efficient layouts and establish an organized workplace.
  • Increase visibility of performances and the change progress with visual management.
  • Help Reduce the risk of health and safety issues within your business.
  •  Develop a stronger relationship with your suppliers with new stock control methods.

Having our Lean Consultants on site also help you to manage the change process that will maximize the returns based on your investment and will ensure that the progress does not stand still. We all would need someone over our shoulder at times to give us a prod and our Lean Consultants at SKIL are experts at prodding without causing offense.


We establish the necessary momentum to sustain the company gains by incorporating the associates' ideas into daily operating procedures. We also understand how to motivate the associates and energize their confidence so they will want to be part of a culture that embraces continuous improvement.


Visit SKIL to know more about Six Sigma CertificationLean Certification, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification etc.

A Brief Introduction Lean Six Sigma

Lean is all about speed and efficiency. The Six Sigma is all about understanding your customer, by gathering data, and analyzing the given data to address the root cause of an issue. Combined together, they are the best practice methodology for continuous improvement of any business.


Our experienced team at SKIL will work with you to customize the approach that drives significant results to the bottom line and fits with the culture of the business.


We also offer a full suite of Lean Six Sigma service, for the large scale deployment or for smaller business which are looking to get started. We also help clients with assessments, opportunity, and identification with selection, deployment planning, Black Belt and Green Belt training and certification, project mentoring, with leading significant projects.


Our Lean Six Sigma Services


  • Facilitation: For custom engagements to meet your needs.
  • Lean Six Sigma transformations: This group also provides with the necessities for successful transformations. We bring you all the lean six sigma philosophies including mentoring, facilitating and training.
  • Strategy Deployment: It allows you to know how to set the priorities effectively and deploy resources and help you stay focused.
  • Value Stream improvements: Improves all the interrelated and connected processes that deliver value to the customers
  •  Focused and targeted improvements: We facilitate improvements in specific targeted areas and processes.
  •  Assessments: A facilitated process that allows you to see where you are and what is required to take your organisation to the next level.



  • Lean Six Sigma overview or basics: Provides a high level orientation of Lean Six Sigma concepts with simulations to reinforce the concepts
  • Lean manufacturing tools Specific tools for your needs Blended Learning Lean Six Sigma Green Belt A flexible effective method for robust training.
  • Blended Learning Lean Six Sigma Black Belt A flexible effective method for robust training
  • Extending Lean Six Sigma into your supply base: Learn best practices for extending Lean Six Sigma into your supply chain and also learn how to use value stream across organizations and companies.

Skil offers Improved Customer Loyalty through lean six sigma as many business wants to retain its customers. There is also a significant factor in determining the success of firm. Time Management employing using lean six sigma methodology at your business can help employees manage their time very effectively, resulting in a more efficient business and more productive employees. This is done by looking at three key areas; learning, fulfillment and performance.


Reduced Cycle Time: By using Six Sigma, a business can set up a team of experienced employees from all levels within the organisation and from every functional department. These teams are then given the task of identifying factors that could negatively affect the project leading to long cycle times.


Employee Motivation Every business, if destined to succeed needs its employees to act in the right way - but for employees to do so there must be sufficient motivation. Indeed, organizations who are willing to fully engage with employees have consistently demonstrated 25 - 50 per cent increases in productivity.


Visit SKIL to know more about Six Sigma Certification, Lean Certification, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt etc.

5 Steps To Behavioral Change

Ok, you as Organization Head decided to go for improvement projects. So what will be your biggest challenge in the success of this project? Is it identifying improvement opportunities, influencing stakeholders, subordinates to accept, getting the right resources to execute the project, expected ROI? From our experience, it is none of those. What we have consistently seen in our work is the foremost challenges organizations face when they want to go with Lean & Six-Sigma is in changing behavior of their employees to accept new ways of working. Continuous improvement programs are not a one-time event. It requires the significant change in practices of employees who follow and has to drive from the top leadership. But just exercising command- control or authoritative leadership won’t help in changing behavior.




Can we learn from other fields such as Healthcare or Environmental psychology about behavior change? I would like to explain same here, as a large number of interventions, are based on attitude models such as the Theory of planned behavior.


This model suggests that intentional behaviors are influenced by attitudes towards that behavior, perceived subjective norms (what others think) and perceptions of behavioral control. The assumption is that making improvements in everyday behaviors are voluntary, planned behaviors and that providing employees with the right kind of information will allow them to make more informed (i.e. more sustainable) choices.


But, there is a range of reasons why employees may not act upon their attitudes even though they have the required kind information. Let us explore the idea that behavior change is a process, not an event. Changing behavior, even under ideal circumstances, may require more effort than is often presumed. One factor that plays a significant role is the habit. Many of the things we do, we do without thinking. When we start looking for improvements, we rarely look things which are set and working for many years. It is not until we find some customer starts reporting issues that we (have to) consider alternatives on how to add more quality checks, an additional process for reviews etc. With repetition and a stable context, habits can develop. When behavior is habitual it takes place without much thinking or conscious planning, and in this case information provision about best practices is relatively pointless. Behavior change interventions are likely effective when organizations go through a major change such as loss of big customer, huge demand drop or increased competition. These new situations make it necessary to reconsider the existing choices. Moreover, in such situations, employees are more likely to act in line with important values.


Behaviour change is a process


The stages of change model (more commonly employed in health psychology), may be useful to help tackle continuous improvement projects in the organization. Let us explore how this model can be used in organizations. According to this model, change is not an event but a process where people move through different stages.



 Different interventions are needed for people in different stages, and without significant intervention, people can move not only towards maintenance but also in the opposite direction. Raising awareness of the operational costs, losing to competitors or to becoming N0.1 organization may help move employees from pre-contemplation to contemplation.


So to initiate a continuous improvement in the organization, you have to start the process with 5 steps


Pre-Contemplation: Organizations at this stage do not intend to start the change in the near future, and may be unaware of the need to change. Organizations or employees here learn more about new practices: they are encouraged to think about the pros of changing their old practices and to feel emotions about the effects of their negative effects on the organization. This is the stage where you have to sit with the audience and contemplate on why the change or improvement is necessary. If this is not bought by everyone involved, it is very difficult to move to the next stage.


Contemplation: At this stage, participants are intending to start the best practices. While they are now usually more aware of the pros of changing, their cons are about equal to their Pros. This ambivalence about changing can cause them to keep putting off taking action. Employees here learn about the kind of person or organization they could build or effects it will bring if they follow best practices and learn more from employees who are doing in new ways. Others can influence and help effectively at this stage by encouraging them to work at reducing the bad practices. Here at this stage, you are evaluating different options and decide on what is the best way to change. You as a leader along with many of your key subordinates consider the changes.


Ready to Taking Action: Employees at this stage are ready to start taking action soon. They take small steps that they believe can help them make the better workplace. For example, they tell their co-workers and team members that how the new changes are helping to improve. Employees at this stage should be encouraged to seek support from managers, team members they trust. Their number one concern is: when they act, will they fail? They learn that the better prepared they are, the more likely they are to keep progressing. You as a leader have to identify key steps required for change and incorporate the same and positively influence the team.


Action: Employees at this stage have already incorporated new practices and working on a new methodology. They need to keep working to move ahead. These participants need to learn how to strengthen their commitment to change and to fight urges to revert to old habits. Employees in this stage progress by being taught techniques for keeping up their commitments such as substituting activities related to the bad practices with best practices, rewarding them for taking steps toward changing. As a Leader, you have to reward employees who are advancing in this stage and motivate others to join.


Maintenance (monitoring): Employees at this stage have accepted new practices. It is important at this stage to be aware of situations that may tempt them to old practices into doing the particularly stressful situations. Need to develop tools and technique and proper feedback mechanism which prevents older practices and rewards the best practices.


Finally, Continuous Improvement projects require a longer term vision and it is not a onetime event. Behavior change of employees is an important aspect of this process. The good news is ones successfully adopted, the rewards are long lasting. Your comments are always welcome.


Visit SKIL to know more about Six Sigma Certification, Lean Certification, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt etc.

Top Benefits Of Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Program is one of the top 10 most sought after certification program in the world today. The reason being, over the last few decades Lean and Six Sigma methodologies, are being increasingly used across industries to improve the business profitability.


As the number of companies who look for ways to cut costs, improve efficiency and reduce waste increases, the adoption of Lean and Six Sigma will continue to increase.


Until today most of the large-scale Lean and Six Sigma deployments are done by the Consultants. But as the methodologies of Lean and Six Sigma are becoming the mainstream, companies are expecting their employees to become skillful in these.


The increased demand has led many professionals to opt for Lean Six Sigma Black Belt training program. These training programs not only enhance your career prospects but also augurs fully in business intelligence and problem-solving expertise.


As we can see from the list, Lean and Six Sigma methodology has a direct impact on 3 of the top 6 skills. They are,


  1. Analytical Thinking
  2. Strategic Thinking
  3. Creative Problem-Solving

By doing the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Program, you will have addressed the gaps in above skills and gained significant expertise.


Moreover, with rapid automation happening across industries, Problem Solving is one of the core skill, every professional should possess to survive and grow in the industry and Lean Six Sigma addresses this very core skill.


Producing Results: The overall purpose of becoming the champion in Lean Six Sigma Black Belt is to start producing results, right away at your Organization. Lean helps you to eliminate waste, improve the timeliness and productivity and Six Sigma reduces the variability, thus improving the overall quality. Hence, as a Black Belt you will be directly responsible for improving business profitability, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and employee satisfaction.


Team Management & Leadership Skills: As we saw from Bloomberg Report, the Ability to collaborate & Leadership skills are most sought after skills. By understanding the fundamentals of the problem-solving concepts, a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt champion can start looking at things in a more structured way than others. Team development, Change Management, Getting stakeholder approval, working collaboratively across teams are something Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Program addresses and help the participant to get exposed and become proficient. These soft skills take more time to master, but Lean Six Sigma provides a fundamental framework to begin.


Get Recognized: Who doesn’t wish to get recognized in the team or across the organization? But, have you asked what it takes to get recognized? It is by producing breakthrough improvements in existing work areas. As a Black Belt Champion, you will be at the forefront to make improvements in the day to day operations as well as long-term projects.  By consistently improving deliverables, you are bound to get recognized by the top management.


Exceed Expectations: In today’s world, no organization succeeds, if their employees just meet expectations. Organizations cherish people who handsomely beat expectations and in the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Program, you are taught on how to consistently  exceed expectations or KPI’s goal set for you by your organization.


Increased Confidence: Management looks for professionals who initiate and do things pro-actively and not the ones who always look for directions. So, ask yourself, how many times you felt you were not confident and up to the mark when you were asked to take up a most important and challenging project?  How many times have you gone ahead to your manager and said, I would like to take up the riskiest project, which others found difficult or said it cannot be done?


The reality is, not many do this because due to lack of confidence. By doing Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Program and getting certified helps you develop confidence so that you are ready to volunteer for challenging assignments.


Better Career Prospects: As per many recent Surveys, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt can command a minimum of 15% ~ 25% higher salaries. Not only salary hike, there will be an increased job opportunities as Lean and Six Sigma is being deployed across Product and Service oriented businesses. A word of caution, though, a mere certification will not help. It is the certificate backed by real results which help you to command salaries. For professionals who have enough success stories, the salary levels can be 200% higher than average salaries.


So, overall we discussed key benefits of doing Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Program. At SKIL Global, our Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Program  is structured in such a way we ensure you realize these benefits and develop skills to produce results right from the go.


If you are convinced, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt is the right program for you, do write to us or call us. We will be happy to partner in your career growth.


Visit SKIL to know more about Six Sigma CertificationLean CertificationLean Six Sigma Green Belt, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt etc.

Applying Basic Statistics To Analyze Attrition Data

"we dont know what we dont measure, what we dont measure, we dont control, what we dont control, we cannot sustain or improve"


Practical scenario


About 400 people have left the company during last six months! How many days did they stay, after being hired? How many people left early enough? How many people stayed at least three months with us? We should try to retain them for at least 180 days, worst case 90 days! Says, the senior management.


Statistical question


What is the mean tenure? What are 25th, 50th and 75th percentile values of the tenure? How is the tenure of 'people left' distributed?


Statistical analysis


Use Histogram to study the distribution of tenure, find the figure below.





Histogram - Distribution is skewed (most departures are around 8 to 38 days). Between 18 to 28 days 70 people left, 20 of them left between 8 to 18 days.


Basic statistics - Calculate the basic statistics and tabulate them a table as shown below. Average number of days people stayed before they left is 63 days. 25% (25th percentile) of them left within 32 days, 50% (50th percentile or median) left within 55 days, 75% (third quartile) of them left within 86 days. The worst case was someone leaving in 8 days while the best case was 209 days! One can say with 95% confidence, average tenure will lie between 60 to 67 days.




Practical inference


Situation is alarming! We hire new people and train them for a period of one month! If average tenure is 63 days, it means they are leaving just a month after their training! We need to know why are they leaving so early. We need to move the distribution to far right. Let Production and HR department meet to draw a plan - How to ensure new hires stay for a minimum 180 days?


Visit SKIL to know more about Lean CertificationSix Sigma CertificationLean Six Sigma Black Belt, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt etc.

What Positive Changes Six Sigma Certification Could Bring?

Thinking about whether to pursue Six Sigma certification or not? You should if you really want to bring a positive change in your organization. This certification not just empowers you with the knowledge to bring the positive change but also prepares you to handle the future challenges. If implemented successfully, it could improve your business process for better. In fact, several companies have felt its positive impact so you aren’t alone who is going to experience the winds of change!


Let’s find out what positive change the Six Sigma could bring to you if you earn the certification:


  1. Empowers Your Employees With Knowledge

Imagine having a skilled workforce with Six Sigma certification that's ready to bring a positive change in your business process. The certification teaches them to be a catalyst for change. It helps them understand the bottlenecks in the processes and address them one by one. The Six Sigma degree holders are in a better position to read and understand data diagrams and flow charts. They work to make your system smoother, improve your relations with customers and find out the unique ways to eliminate waste in the business process.


  1. Helps Your Employees Act As Mentors

Learning and mastering Six Sigma turns your employees into future leaders who are always ready to mentor their subordinates. That means you don’t have to hire any visiting faculty to mentor your employees. Instead, the certified employees with advanced belts could do that stuff for you. It’s a milestone that you should be proud of. It sets another good example in the industry that let others know how to collaborate together to bring the winds of change and positive contribution to an organization.


  1. Sets the Tone for Success

The Six Sigma sets the tone to experience the quantum of success. As soon as your employees get certified for Six Sigma, everything starts falling at the right place! Be it about the smooth communications with your clients or managing the resources to their best. This leaves the positive impact and helps prepare your business to experience the success.


  1. Makes Your Employee Learn the Teamwork

Most employers struggle to bring their employees under one hood and do the teamwork. But after learning Six Sigma, you could see the winds of change in their behavior. Those solo workers will start working in teams. They would clearly understand that teamwork excels where the solo work fails to perform.




By now, you might have understood how Six Sigma certification could bring a positive change in your organization. It helps you achieve the best out of every resource that you have! Whether it is a man, material or machine. Above all, you get an active contribution from your employees. They take your organization to the next levels as they earn higher levels of Six Sigma.


Want to bring a positive change to your organization? Get your employees Six Sigma certification from SKIL and be ahead of your competitors. Six Sigma certified workforce could drive you to experience the quantum of success. Call us how to make it happen with the Six Sigma training, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Six Sigma Certification, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Project Management, Lean Certification etc.

Which Skills Do You Acquire With Project Management Training?

Playing a manager’s role accounts to many responsibilities that could only be accomplished if you are skilled enough to handle the challenges. With the right project management training, you could acquire those much-needed skills that are the building blocks of successful leadership. Being a project manager isn’t enough! You need to acquire skills that companies are willing to pay for. This is where project management course training comes to play.


Discover below to get to know which skills you are going to get equipped with if you consider project management course training.


  1. Accountability

The right project management training turns you into an accountable person who really cares for the stakeholders. It infuses project managers with a sense of accountability that takes them a long way of in the career. You will be nurtured into a successful leader with this certification. It teaches you to be accountable to a projects' growth and eventually make an active contribution to the company’s growth story.


  1. People Management Skills

While working together with a team on a project, you need to be really good at managing people. You should ward off any rifts that might distract team members to lose their focus on the project. The project management course training helps you acquire people management skills to help you execute the project delivery. With the insight gained from the training, you will be able to build better and qualified teams that could go extra miles to exceed clients’ expectations out of the projects.


  1. Better Communication

A project management certification and training make you a better communicator than the non-certified ones. It teaches you how to use the right tools and technology to facilitate the ease of communication while working on multiple projects at the same time.


  1. Resource Management

Managing the resources is a crucial aspect to which you can't put a deaf ear. Project managers are expected to utilize the man, management and machines to their optimal extent while giving the maximum output. This could be challenging for a project manager who hasn't had any training to make it accomplished. The training enlightens you with the much-needed strategies that help to manage resources to their best!


  1. Knowledge of Project Management Tools

Managing things would feel a lot easier if you have the right tools and technology. This is where the project management knowledge and training play a crucial role. You get hands-on training on the project management tools that help you work with all the teams and clients on a single window and give you better control over the project's progress.


The Final Takeaway


With the right project management training, you will learn the ropes of successful leadership. You will be more enlightened to take tough decisions and get equipped with people management skills if you consider the training. Broaden your chance to acquire more skills which are handsomely paid and are always desired by top employers. Go for the project management course and training to hone your skills today!


Earn the top income with the project management training and certification that shape-up your management skills. Enroll for the training with SKIL and get it done in a hassle-free way. We are the top choice of project management certification seekers like you who want to grow their career to new heights. Let’s talk!


Visit SKIL to know more about Lean Certification, Six Sigma Certification, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt etc.

3 Reasons Project Managers Should Consider PMP Certification in India

There are more reasons to get certified as a project management consultant than just the monetary perks. Especially in a country like India, the workforce is highly educated and more competitive than the other countries around. Getting on the top requires a competitive edge that a PMP certification fulfills. According to PMI India, there are hardly 50,000 PMP certified professionals are operating in the country. That means there is a lot of room for you to grow in the industry and count your presence if you choose to get certified.


If you are an Indian project manager but without certification, then here are the most interesting reasons for you to consider PMP certification for your career growth:


  1. Get Endorsed for Your Project Management Skills

Getting endorsed for your project management skills would add more feathers to your career’s cap. Showcase the employers that you are not a self-acclaimed hero but a certified project management consultant. Getting certified for management skills has its own charm that would not only add more weight to your resume but also puts you ahead in achieving project goals in an organization. So if you want to count your presence in that creamy layer of professionals, PMP certification is for you!


  1. Stand Out Among Managers Without PMP Certification

Competing for high-paying jobs with so many project managers like you in the interview? Chances are that you will lose out the opportunity to the competition. But what if you have a PMP certification to showcase the employers? Certainly, you will stand out like a roaring lion, beating the competition around. PMP certified professionals are always the top preference for the most employers, so you will have luck by your side. This is why PMP certification matters when you are competing with many others.


  1. Enhance Your Project Management Skills

Most Indian managers rely on experience but only a handful of them undergoes any kind of formal training that sharpens their project management skills. You probably want to be trained to acquire more skills that keep you ahead in the career. The project management certification helps you gain that edge that lets you successfully handle multi-billion dollar deals. With a few hours of online learning, the PMP training course equips you with the right tools and knowledge to handle projects flawlessly.


The Final Takeaway


Building a rewarding career in a country like India isn’t easy, given the skilled workforce and cut-throat competition. You need to stand out! Getting certified as a project management consultant could pave your way to top in the career. With the highly recognized PMP certification, you could easily outperform your competitors. Only being a project manager isn’t enough, you need to fortify it with PMP certification. Look for a suitable Project Management training institute in India today so that you can reward your career for a better tomorrow.


Wondering where to find a reliable school to get certified as a project management consultant? Enroll with us and we will help you acquire the PMP certification in the most convenient way possible. We are SKIL, your doorway to PMP certification and rewarding career ahead. Get in touch with us today!


Visit SKIL to know more about Project Management, Six Sigma Certification, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Lean Certification, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt etc.

Learn How LEAN Six Sigma Training Reduces Excess and Obsolete Inventory

Excess and obsolete inventory are the main reasons behind monetary losses in any business. But you could put a bar on them by considering LEAN Six Sigma training. With this course training, you get to learn the ropes of profit-making by reducing waste in the business processes. Utilizing your best knowledge of LEAN Six Sigma methods, you can easily eliminate any problem that’s coming in your way to managing inventory.Let’s find out how the strategies you learn from LEAN Six Sigma help you in reducing excess and obsolete inventory.


But before that let’s take a look at the most common reasons responsible for producing excess and obsolete inventory in an organization.


Factors That Give Rise to Excess And Obsolete Inventory Issues


Facing excess and obsolete inventory in your organization? To whom should you blame? Well, quite often the reasons for these issues are inaccurate forecasting methods, poor quality manufacturing and extended lead times. Scheduling problems, rework and late deliveries also give rise to troubles with the inventory management.


Following poor practices in demand management also leads to an unnecessary stock of products in the inventory that triggers the expenses. The inaccurate historical demand data results in miscalculation of sales that never reaches close to the real sales figures. This, in turn, results in excess and obsolete inventory. However, things could be improved if you opt-in to LEAN Six Sigma based business model.


Identifying And Tackling the Issues With LEAN Six Sigma


If your managers are put under LEAN Six Sigma training, you will be able to control over excess inventory. They will be more enlightened with the knowledge that helps them take hold of obsolete inventory that you are struggling with. A LEAN Six Sigma methodology such as DMAIC helps to create an inventory model that has no room for waste.


Using LEAN tools, you would be able to run all the departments of your company in sync. Managing the supply chain, you will be able to effectively manage the lead time, thwarting problems of obsolete and excess inventory from your company’s business process. LEAN Six Sigma lets your logistic and supply chain work in sync with your production to produce goods that could be delivered straight to the customer without the need for storage. It weeds out the unnecessary spending on the inventory storage and gives you a reason to smile by churning out more profits.


The Final Takeaway


There is a permanent solution that effectively deals with excess and obsolete inventory. It is LEAN Six Sigma training that works to manage your inventory like a pro so that you don’t deal with the waste. If building your organization into a successful venture is high on your notes, then getting your employees certified for LEAN Six Sigma is the right initiative that you won’t regret. Using its methodologies, you can transform the way you manage inventories to earn the maximum profits. Train your employees to earn LEAN Six Sigma and pave the way to experience growth in your organization.


Reach us to avail effective LEAN Six Sigma training for your employees to prepare them better to clear the exam. We are SKIL, the best institute for LEAN Six Sigma with a proven record of excellence. Reach us if you want to train and transform your workforce into future leaders. Let’s talk!


Visit SKIL to know more about Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Six Sigma Certification, Lean Certification, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, etc.

One Reason – Why Companies Fail To Carry Out Lean Implementation Successfully?

What can we learn from Lean evolution story? Does it hold the key to successful Lean journey? It does.


I have been in Lean consulting for more than 14 years now, and realize, there is least or no emphasis given to lean evolution journey by many!  Most skip this part as it doesn’t talk about tools and techniques. Let us look back and understand what we need to learn from how Lean devised over years.


Below is the list of several foundation practices which devised much before Lean did.  I have mentioned them around time they devised.  What were these practices, what was their purpose? Let us explore.  These practices came into existence in the same order as mentioned below.

  1. Standardized work: “Say (document) what you do, and do what you say (document). This is the purpose of ISO as we know.
  2. Time study and work standards: The systematic investigation and analysis of the motions and the time needed to perform a specific task to seek more efficient methods of production as well as setting time
  3. Process charts and motion study: The flow process chart is a graphic and symbolic representation of the processing activities performed on the work piece, while motion study involves various motions (ergonomic) involved.
  4. Assembly line and flow concept: How to sequence the workload in alignment with customer demand and ensure balance and flow of workload across work roles.
  5. SPC and TQM: SPC is applied to oversee and control a process. Checking and controlling the process ensures that it performs at its full potential. TQM (Total Quality Management) is a structured approach to improve the quality of products and services through constant refinements.
  6. TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) : In industry, total productive maintenance (TPM) is a system of preserving and improving the integrity of production and quality systems through the machines, equipment, processes, and employees that add business value to an organization.
  7. Just in time or World class or Lean manufacturing: “Produce to demand” by the customer, who is the next process. World class manufacturing is synonymous with Lean manufacturing today.  It is a collection of concepts, which set standard for production for another organization to follow. Japanese manufacturing is credited with pioneer in concept of world-class manufacturing.  Some of the techniques are as follows:
  • Make to order
  • Streamlined Flow
  • Smaller lot sizes
  • Collection of parts
  • Doing it right first time
  • Cellular or group manufacturing
  • Total preventive maintenance
  • Quick replacement
  • Zero Defects
  • Just in Time
  • Increased consistency
  • Higher employee involvement
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Multi-Skilled employees
  • Visual Signalling
  • Statistical process control

It took more than 100 years to reach here! Each discovery laid a foundation for the next one.  Each discovery after some time led to a renewed need, and therefore a need for new discovery, one after another. 


Lean Implementation


Today companies aim at # 7, without due considerations given to # 1 to 6.  Companies lack the foundation practice which is # 1 to 6. 


“Where is the money?” Is a good question to ask, but “Where is the foundation?” Is a better question to ask first?  Constant firefighting points out absence of foundation practices. 


What happens when we try to jump to step # 7 directly in a ladder? We may fall!  So companies skip steps # 1 to 6, jump to 7 directly and experience a fall.  It is time, we learn from evolution of Lean philosophy. 


PS: You may find this e-book useful too : Lean principles simplified


Visit SKIL to know more about Six Sigma Certification, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Lean Certification, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, etc.

Attrition...!! People Should Be Fighting With Each Other To Join Your Company!

Using data analytics to discover, the growth path offered by a company to its employees


Practical scenario


Why is attrition so high we don't offer the best pay scale to them, was the response in a 'flash', from one of the HR representatives. Don't you give performance incentives - We do, but the new recruits go by what they clear on hand - to begin with. Ideally, if you are giving incentives, then they should be earning equal to or more than what others are offering around, please get me the data I need, let the data decide - If you have anything special, that will attract talent, I said. Do you offer a good growth path to them I asked. There are some people who earn more than Rs.20,000 a month, was the response, but the minimum wages you mentioned, is a third of that! I said... never mind, let's do the analysis.


Statistical scenario


What is the average gross income How is the gross income distributed Do workers earn more over time, with improved skills on the job Is there a correlation between tenure and earning, given bulk of the salary comes from performance incentives A good case to use correlation analysis followed by regression analysis. But first let's apply basic statistics to analyze gross income distribution.


Statistical analysis


Basic statistical analysis


Basic statistical analysis of the data on gross income (including deductions e.g. leaves on loss of pay etc). Data looks normally distributed. Average gross income is around Rs.10,000. 75% of the population earn equal to or more than Rs. 7896. 25% of of the population earn more than Rs.13,000.


Correlation and regression analysis


Is there a correlation between, tenure and gross income Can we predict a new hire's income based on tenure Data for eight months reveals a r-square value of 0.71, meaning, there is a significant correlation between the two! Simple linear regression equation fitted between the two suggests, Rs.6087 is the minimum anyone can earn - regardless of performance. As the tenure progresses, gross earning per month (GEPM) increases.


Practical inference


Mean income per worker is impressive! Who says, you don't pay well With an average pay of Rs.10,000 per month, free accommodation, subsidized food, free evening snack and tea, flexible hours to finish the production target after 630 pm till 900 pm.. amazing combination! Who is offering these around this place - None.


From the regression analysis, fitted growth curve in gross income per month is shown below.



Oh my gosh! You (your company) grossly underestimated yourselves, what a terrific growth curve you offer... what attrition !!!? People should be fighting to get in, and get hired, everyday in front of your factory. You know now, what you have to offer the 'new hires', go get them, and tell the ones you already have, they have a bright future here, if they commit and continue to work.


Visit SKIL to know more about Six Sigma Certification, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Lean Certification, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, etc.

150% Increase in Productivity - What Worked

This is an unusual headline! But this engagement transformed my belief in Lean forever! They were contract laborers who didn't want to appreciate company's turnaround time commitments to the client, Give me my money, I am outta here... was their way.


# 1 - Identify and address 'what's in it for me'.


On an average, how much money do you make per day I asked the supervisor.

Why do you ask Are you in the same Business, replied the supervisor.

Oh no, 'I don't do this Business', but I thought you could double your income! I said.

How Came the reply, in a flash! I smiled and said, want to try


# 2 - Know what you are looking for! - The demand


If you are looking for 300+ per man-hour, it is not about, will it be achieved or not, the question is how to achieve it If this is the target per man-hour to comply with client's turnaround time, what options do you have There are no options but one - figure how to achieve it I calculated the demand in terms of TAKT time and worked backwards to tie it up with production per man-hour to achieve the given turnaround time.


# 3 - Time and motion study - Compare Cycle time vs. TAKT time


Man-hours required = Cycle time TAKT time. I estimated man-hours required using this formula, and converted the result to number of people necessary to accomplish desired work load in given time limit.


# 4 - From batch to flow


Before - Everyone in the team would do 'end to end' completion of one work unit, After - I created a 'assembly line' for them - Call it a cell. Contrary to the belief, I used a batch size of 50 work units between two operation steps. Single piece flow is good but, you cannot have 'one size fit all' solution.


# 5 - Discipline to follow the SOP


This was a difficult implementation - I asked them, while assembly line is at work on one uses cell phone, no calls encouraged during work. Supervisor and his people were angry on me! I said, you have to make a choice - double income or phone call. Both can't happen at the same time!


When the cell ran - from start to finish - no one had even a minute to look here and there, let alone attending to phone calls. When they finished, and looked at the watch, they were astonished! There was a glow on their faces; one could see a sense of accomplishment on their faces!


Ah, what a day it was, I can never forget.. I congratulated them and left the place submerged in my own sense of accomplishment, this was the first time, I could see Lean helping double productivity!


I have added this story in great detail in my upcoming book - Lean Made Simple, click the link below to pre-order the book to get the 'exclusive offer'. Click on the link below to know more.




Lean Made Simple


Visit SKIL to know more about Six Sigma Certification, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Project Management, Lean Certification etc.

Six Sigma Black Belt Training – An Insider View

Black belt holders are the key contributors of Six Sigma. Six Sigma black belt training helps to acquire much-needed skills and traits that support you to get the Six Sigma certification. If you are still floating at the lower levels of Six Sigma, you could pave your way to up by black belt training. The black belts are the top professionals highly regarded for their leadership skills and ability to make key changes that impact growth.


If you probably want to see your performing at the top, then getting trained for Six Sigma is for you. Here’s the complete information about black belt training for Six Sigma that you might need on the way:


Black Belt Training For Candidates


Candidates appearing for Six Sigma black belt training undergo the training course that could last a couple of weeks to months. The number of training hours varies depending on the institute you choose, the number of hours you put to learn and the course curriculum designed. The course teaches to be a data-driven Six Sigma black belt holder who could actually lead and drive the company to achieve success.


Objectives of the Black Belt Training Course


The objective of the Six Sigma training is to help you master the principles and implementation of Six Sigma techniques.The training helps you get familiar with the tools and techniques of Six Sigma, a black belt professional must know to bring a positive change in an organization. The candidates are trained to recognize the improvement areas where Six Sigma knowledge could be implemented to maximize monetary returns. The training focuses on transforming professionals as future leaders. It enhances their communication skills which are crucial for Six Sigma professionals.


Eligible Candidates for Black Belt Six Sigma Training


The Six Sigma training is the most suitable for those professionals who are serving in the manufacturing industry or business processes. The managers, executives, line supervisors are the most ideal candidates for black belt training and certification. The candidates work to improve the efficiency of the bottom line that eventually helps an organization to achieve its business goals.


Tips for Candidates Keen to Appear for Black Belt Exam


Your success to achieve black belt training depends on the institute you choose for Six Sigma training. The stronger the reputation it has, the better your training curriculum will be and your performance, eventually! Low-cost black belt training doesn't always mean the best! So keep the institute's reputation and past performance at the front while considering a reliable institute for the black belt training.


The Final Thoughts


Achieving black belt certification isn’t easier at all. You need to undergo a hardcore Six Sigma black belt training to achieve this pinnacle of success. Better rely on an institute that has certified Six Sigma black belt professionals to train you. Only a certified professional could help you know the intricacies of the process. You should invest in an institute that has a remarkable history of transforming careers with their easy-to-learn learning material and online Six Sigma training sessions.


We are SKIL, an institute that has helped thousands of aspiring candidates like you in achieving Six Sigma black belt certification. Our professional Six Sigma black belt training courses could be availed online right from the comfort of your home. Get in touch with us to know more!


Visit SKIL to know more about Six Sigma Certification, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Project Management, Lean Certification etc.

3 Tips to Help You Find the Six Sigma Green Belt Training that’s Right for You

Hustling to get the best institute for Six Sigma green belt training? There are hundreds of institutes out there that claim to prepare for Six Sigma certification. But not every institute is your deal. Also, there are chances to get befuddled. You need to filter the one that’s right for you and help you prepare better for the green belt certification. Acting in haste wouldn’t be a wise move, after all, it is about your career.


When considering an institute for Six Sigma green belt coaching, you should keep in mind the following things:


  1. The Type of Training

The Six Sigma training schools are everywhere; some of them operate onsite while others teach online. You need to figure out what type of Six Sigma green belt training would suit the most to you. The online Six Sigma training is the best deal because you would be learning Six Sigma methodologies right from your home that would save your time that gets wasted in commuting.


  1. The Quality of Learning Material

While there’s a lot of literature available online to help you in Six Sigma certification, still, you need well-designed lessons that make things easier to understand. Pursuing things without a solid literature would make you befuddled. The emphasis should be to get well-designed lessons that cover every aspect of the curriculum, or else, you would find yourself stuck in the middle. Invest in a school that has the precisely written learning material to support your aim.


  1. The Reputation of the Six Sigma Institute

Whichever institute you consider for the preparation, it should have a five-star rating from the past students. Anything less than might not a great deal for you. The reputation of the Six Sigma school matters as it showcases that you have invested in an institute that really cares for your learning. You could also visit various online forums or Facebook pages to see how well they stand in reputation. Settle for the one that looks promising with the good reviews all over.


The Final Thoughts


The tips mentioned here ease your way to find the most trusted six sigma green belt training institute. You just need to hustle a little bit to see if the institute you are going to consider fulfills the criteria mentioned above. It is better to put the time in research than getting swept off the feet with the last time surprises, It’s about your career move so settling for the less shouldn’t be an option at all. Get through the social media pages and their website to see their past accomplishment and success records. If you find all positive things being talked about them, then don't waste a minute to get your green belt training for Six Sigma started.


Be with a trusted Six Sigma green belt training institute that has successfully trained professionals from several industries and professions.We are SKIL, your friend in need when you are planning to upscale your career opportunities. Let’s collaborate together to find out what we can do for you. Let’s talk today!


Visit SKIL to know more about Six Sigma Certification, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Lean Certification, Project Management etc.